At long last the vegetable patch is starting to produce something- the soil took so long to warm up this year that courgettes and beans hardly grew once planted out. But a week ago we dug up the first earlies- Duke of York this year- and they are delicious! Meteor peas are almost ready and courgettes just beginning to forms.
Although the weather has only been warm occasionally and there have been many grey days, the rhododendrons love it and new growth everywhere is good, not damaged as it can be by drought. The late flowering ones, all relations of R auriculatum such as ‘Polar Bear’ are putting on a show.
Flowers in the rock garden last longer without too much sun so the verbascums, aconites and thalictrum are doing well- T ‘Elin’ is hugely tall this year, about 8 feet and hard to keep staked.
We decided to cut out a large horizontal branch from the Magnolia campbellii mollicomata on the drive as it caused grief to high vehicles. All done in a couple of hours and it looks so much better! Why didn’t we do this years ago!